< Characteristics >
These belts are made of seamless thick hollow-weave cotton cloth (no-joint).
This "seamless" characteristics gives you smooth grinding because
of no level difference of belt. |
< Specifications > |
Product Name |
Endless Belt |
R/R Endless Belt |
Type |
WK |
YK |
Backing |
Hollow-weave cotton cloth |
Abrasive |
A (Aluminium oxide) |
Bond |
G/G (Glue bond) |
R/R (Resin bond) |
< Standard Size >
100mm (W) x 915mm (L), 100mm (W) x 1525mm (L)
*Standard size belts : 10 pcs./box
* |
Other sizes can be produced at you request. |
< Product Size >
Max 400mm (W)
< Available Grit Size > 915mm and 1525mm only (L) |
#24 |
#30 |
#36 |
#40 |
#50 |
#60 |
#80 |
#100 |
#120 |
#150 |
#180 |
#240 |
#280 |
WK |
YK |
#320 |
#400 |
#600 |
#800 |
#1000 |
WK |
YK |
… : 100mm (W) x 915mm (L) only |
For grinding of steel, stainless , and general metals
EAK-240 100×915 C
For light grinding of steel, stainless , and general metals flexible.
SAK-80 100×915 C
For light grinding of steel, stainless , and general metals flexible.
SAK-240 75×3350K
For curved surfaces of wood work, aluminum, stainless ,and iron (Dry use only)
JWK-100 50×3350 K
For water faucet clasps ,and brass (Dry use only)
JCK-120 100×2100 C |
< Characteristics >
Excellent grinding performance on any kind of metal (jointed belt) |
< Specifications > |
Product Name |
R/R Abrasive Belt |
Type |
Backing |
Twilled cotton cloth |
Abrasive |
(Aluminium oxide) |
(White alumina) |
(Silicon carbide) |
Bond |
R/R (Resin bond) |
< Available Size >
Your designated width(mm) x length(mm) (e.g. 75mm x 3350mm)
*standard sizes : 10 pcs./box |
< Joint Type >
Designate a joint type.
*The most polular type is D-joint.
< Available Grit Size > |
#40 |
#50 |
#60 |
#80 |
#100 |
#120 |
#150 |
#180 |
#220 |
#240 |
#280 |
#320 |
#400 |
#500 |
#600 |
< Characteristics >
Suitable for rough polishing to finish-up polishing of wood work and metal work.
< Specifications > |
Product Name |
Resin over glue Abrasive Belt |
Type |
Backing |
Twilled cotton cloth |
Abrasive |
WA (White alumina) |
Bond |
R/G (Resin over glue bond) |
< Standard Size >
Your designated Width(mm) x Length(mm) |
< Joint Type >
D -Joint, C-Joint, K-Joint (Designate joint type) |
< Available Grit Size > |
#40 |
#60 |
#80 |
#100 |
#120 |
#150 |
#180 |
#240 |
#280 |
#400 |
Grit Size |
< Characteristics >
Cutting power, durability, and flexibility will increase operation efficiency. (Jointed type)
*GZP |
Suitable for heavy duty grinding of metal and wood work. |
< Specifications > |
Product Name |
Zirconia Belt (Z-Man) |
Type |
Backing |
Twilled cotton-polyester mix cloth |
Abrasive |
AZ (Alumina zirconia) |
Bond |
R/R (Resin bond) |
< Standard Size >
100mm x 915mm, 50mm x 3350mm,
75mm x 3350mm
*standard sizes belts : 10 pcs./box
Also available : Your designated Width(mm) x Length(mm) |
< Joint Type >
W-Joint, D-Joint, C-Joint, K-Joint (Designated Joint Type) |
< Available Grit Size > |
#24 |
#40 |
#60 |
#80 |
#100 |
#120 |
< Characteristics >
Abrasives are applied on the surface of cork grains, fine finish, consistent Abrasive grain performahce till end.
Excellent durability.
Used for both wet and dry use.
* |
BTZ(Tripoli powder is applied) is specially designed for glass lustering |
< Specifications > |
Product Name |
Cork Abrasive Belt |
Type |
Backing |
Twilled cotton-polyester mix cloth |
Twilled cotton cloth |
Abrasive |
C (Silicon carbide) |
Tripoli (Silica) |
Bond |
R/R (Resin bond) |
< Available Size >
Your designated Width (mm) x Length (mm)
(e.g. 100mm x 915mm) |
< Applications >
Suitable for finishing of wide range of metal such as carbon steel, stainless and aluminium alloy.
Recommended for finishing after R/R belt grinding (#180-240)
< Joint Type >
K-Joint is typical. (W-Joint) |
< Caution >
Dressing is needed when using a brand-new cork belt |
< Available Grit Size > |
#150 |
#180 |
#240 |
#320 |
#400 |
#600 |
Tripoli |
< Characteristics >
5 mm thick felt is sticked to backing cloth of abrasive belt. it can be used with buffing and polishing compounds (e.g. K-1 green rouge) for lustering of various materials such as metal or plastic.
Combining with different kinds of buffing and polishing compounds, wide variation can be achieved. |
< Specifications > |
Product Name |
Felt Belt |
Type |
R28W |
Backing |
Twilled cotton cloth / felt |
< Standard Size >
Your designated Width (mm) x Length (mm)
* |
Smaller than 915mm in length cannot manufacture. |
< Joint Type >
< Attention >
It can not be used in case pulley outer diameter is 100mm or less.